Bringing in expert negotiators will end the poorly rehearsed pantomime currently performed by the MoE and GTU

Dear Editor,

As a concerned citizen observing the ongoing spectacle between the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) and the Ministry of Education, I cannot help but feel like I’m watching a poorly rehearsed pantomime. It’s time to stop pretending that the current negotiations are anything but a farce and bring in the real stars of the show: expert negotiators.

One might be forgiven for mistaking the recent talks for a slapstick comedy routine rather than a serious attempt to address the issues facing our education system. With each passing round of negotiations, it becomes painfully clear that both sides are stumbling around in the dark, desperately searching for a script that they never bothered to write. It’s like watching two amateur actors trying to perform Shakespeare without ever having read the play. The result is a cacophony of mixed messages, misunderstandings, and missed opportunities.

But fear not, dear readers, for there is a solution to this theatrical debacle: hire expert negotiators. These seasoned professionals possess the skills, experience, and finesse needed to turn this amateur hour into a Theater Guild Award-winning performance. Imagine a negotiation where both sides actually listen to each other, where compromise is not seen as weakness but as a sign of strength, and where the end goal is not victory for one side, but progress for all, especially the kids.

Of course, bringing in expert negotiators will require an investment of time and resources, but the cost of continued incompetence far outweighs the price of bringing in the big guns. So let us put an end to this pantomime of negotiations and usher in a new era of professionalism, cooperation, and progress in our education system.


Keith Bernard