Intra-regional ferry service closer – President

The Galleons Passage

-technical assessments to be completed soon

Plans are forging ahead to operationalise the regional ferry service plying routes between Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana, with technical assessments and a gap analysis on schedule to be completed by month end, President Irfaan Ali says.

“We’re hoping that before the end of the month, the full technical assessment and gap analysis will be completed and while the gap analysis is being completed, the agencies in three countries are already taking action to ensure that the requirements are met and policies are implemented to bring to effect the commencement of the service,” Ali told  Stabroek News yesterday when asked for an update.

“So as soon as that is finished, as soon as we have a technical assessment, then of course at some of the port facilities there’ll be need for adjustments… made to the infrastructure to accommodate the vessel. And then of course, we will move towards the ferry,” he added.