Defunded! NSC & GOA defund GASA over internal issues

– GASA executive no shows at meeting with Sport Minister

Following the filing of a complaint by Dolphin Speed Swim Club to the World Aquatic Integrity Unit on allegations of misconduct by the Guyana Amateur Swimming Association (GASA), the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA), and the National Sports Commission (NSC) after a meeting on Thursday, has suspended funding to the entity.

This was disclosed by a source who spoke to Stabroek Sport on the condition of anonymity. According to the source, the meeting, which featured the Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports, Charles Ramson Jr., Director of Sport Steve Ninvalle, GOA President Godfrey Munroe, and representatives of the respective clubs, was hosted at the National Aquatic Centre, Liliendaal.

After that meeting, which was aimed at addressing the allegations and complaints of victimisation within GASA, the decision was made by the NSC and GOA to cut funding to the local governing body until the internal issues were resolved.