Stabroek News

Dharamlall has become excess baggage for Ali’s re-election

Dear Editor,

Last year, an onslaught of community protest led to former PPP Minister, Mr. Dharamlall, resigning his position. He was not removed by the government; he was allowed to resign. The young Amerindian woman who accused him of rape said she did not want to pursue prosecution and the DPP withdrew the case. So, we cannot say Mr. Dharamlall was guilty or innocent of rape. For the public, though, they would have their own theories that the Party was circling the wagons protecting its own, and they would have their own opinions about whether he is guilty or not. That was a rough time for the government. A nasty scar. The government lost many points on the moral/ethical/accountability scales and lost a lot of points for women in the PPP remaining silent.

You would think the government learned a lesson and would be smart enough to keep their comrade far away from the party as he might be an unnecessary distraction from the otherwise good accomplishments of this progressive Government. But no. He was reportedly seen at community meetings with top government people, and some speculated whether he was on the Government or party payroll. But to have Mr. Dharamlall at Congress and getting the sixth highest number of votes, seems too much for the Guyanese people. This is sparking a new wave of protests in light of new allegations of rape by a Ms. Hakh. This new victim is older and educated and would not back down as the young Amerindian girl did. This time it’s likely the DPP may advise charges and there might be an ugly trial with sordid details. Mr. Dharamlall says he is not guilty of the allegations. He is innocent until proven guilty.

With elections looming and the PPP in election mode, does it want the Dharamlall diaries to nullify and overshadow all the good they have accomplished? Mr. President, you need to override whoever is protecting and advising you to “stand by your man.” Mr. President, you are no Tammy Wynette who sang “Stand by Your Man.” Cut your losses now and send a strong message to your top leaders that you will not tolerate any hint of immoral behaviour in your Government and party. Everybody is watching what you will do. Take a page from Trinidad’s Kamla Persaud Bissessar’s book in letting people go. In airline lingo, you are carrying excess baggage, irregular shaped baggage, oversized baggage, or extra weight which will cost you some money. You don’t want this to cost you re-election.

You see how people now know they can go to the UN Human Rights Commission and complain, so why would you protect someone who brings you no political value? Step up Mr. President! Be your own man and do the right thing now, sooner rather than later!


M. Singh

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