Dharamlall, among others, are fortunate to find succour within the PPP

Dear Editor,

Here we go again, another woman is victimized, seeks justice and the former President, now Vice President and General Secretary of the PPP, says he and the party’s main decision makers will not seek to discipline neither distance itself from the now disgraced Dharmlall. This is the second of such allegations made against Dharmlall. Last year, an indigenous alleged that the former Minister lured her to his home under the pretext of assisting her financially and otherwise, then proceeded to sexually assault and rape her. The matter was settled out of court.

Everyone knows Nigel Dharmlall gets around, know of his work campaigning and doing political work through hinterland communities on behalf of the PPP. This is someone who was never charged and also got away with threatening a former employee of the Inter-American Development Bank in Guyana because the employee was courting/dating his ex-wife. 

Now we have Jagdeo, who readers would remember, lied to the nation that he was married to Varshnie. Not only did he lie, but she was asked by Jagdeo to vacate her residence and status of First Lady. In addition to Nigel Dharmlall, there are folks like Kwame Mckoy, Brentnol Ashley and others who like Dharmall, were accused by persons who detailed experiencing sexual assault by these persons.  Yet, Kwame McCoy is a government minister and Mr. Ashley is the Chair of the Region One RDC.

Through his actions and the actions of the PPP he represents, the Vice President is condoning the alleged sexual assault and using the police investigation as a strategy to his policy of inaction. Guyanese are smarter Editor, much smarter than the Vice President think. As a matter of fact, over the years, it seems as if the PPP has become a haven for criminal and the immoral, albeit alleged criminal and immoral characters.

C.A. Singh