WPA dismayed at gov’t’s tepid response, absence of national all-stakeholder mobilization to Venezuela’s aggression

Dear Editor,

The Working People’s Alliance views with much concern Venezuela’s renewed aggression towards Guyana. First, the Venezuelan government’s passage of legislation making Essequibo a state of that country goes beyond mere provocation—it is a blatant violation of international law.  Second, the amassing of troops on our common border is more than a show of unwarranted and unprovoked force. These actions warrant the requisite sanctions by the United Nations—it is time the UN acts decisively. WPA feels that only UN sanctions along with similar actions by other hemispheric and international bodies will deter Venezuela which is clearly bent on using its military might to bully Guyana into submission.  The world cannot wait until the Venezuelan army crosses the border to act—there is need for deterrent action now.

When one takes into consideration what is taking place in Ukraine and Gaza, Guyana has every right to be overly concerned about the most recent moves by Caracas. Small states with weak military capacity such as ours are in grave danger.  It is against that background that the WPA is dismayed by our government’s tepid response. While we welcome the move to the UN Security Council and statements of solidarity by the UK and other influential voices, we are not satisfied that the PPP government is demonstrating the necessary proactive leadership that the situation demands.

The WPA feared that with signing of the Argyle Accord our government would have gone to sleep. We also felt that the accord had played into the Venezuelan government’s hand and that the latter would not honour its spirit.  Unfortunately, our fears were not misplaced.  But it is not too late for the government to do the right thing. Why, for example, informed and influential Guyanese emissaries are not making the rounds of influential capitals to make the case for deterrent action against Venezuela?

WPA takes this opportunity to reiterate its call for a national all-stakeholder mobilization both at the organizational and grassroots levels.  In the absence of a strong and mobilized military our strongest defense is a mobilized nation that leaves little space for Venezuelan manipulation. Our deep political and other divisions must be subordinated to our national defense. We, therefore, call on the government to move beyond phony patriotism that is confined to PPP rallies and photo-ops with the Opposition Leader.

WPA renews its calls for a national task force that represents our broad political spectrum along with experts and professionals in the related fields. There is no other way forward. Towards this end we call on the parliamentary opposition not to allow itself to be drawn into another political maneuver by the government. The Venezuela threat is too serious to be used as a political football.

David Hinds
Working People’s Alliance