Charity river dam breached, repairs under way

The flooding earlier today.

Residents along the Pomeroon River, Region Two awoke in distress this  morning to find their homes flooded after a breach occurred near the Charity river dam. The incident, which happened around 4:30 am, has caused significant concern in the community. 


A private contractor, hired to construct the Charity Pump Station, is currently attempting to seal the breach.


The breach forced many residents to hurriedly move household items to higher ground.


 “This could have been avoided,” one resident expressed in frustration. “We woke up to water rushing in our gaps, and it’s especially frustrating since we had warned the sea defence engineers and the contractors”, a  resident told Stabroek News. 


 Upon visiting the site at Charity, it was evident that the water was quickly receding.


Contractors had begun remedial work, including the installation of sandbags, and engineers from the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority  along with the Regional Administration were onsite. 



 The water in residents’ yards was also receding though it was likely to rise with the tide. Regional Vice Chairman Humace Oodit visited the site and stated that after the regional administration was informed of the flooding, the pump was activated. 

Adamantium Holdings Construction Division today issued the following statement:



Statement from Adamantium Holdings Construction Division.


(2024/05/24) At around 5:30hrs today there was an overtopping of berm wall of the Pomeroon River in the vicinity of the Charity pump station construction site. This was caused by the high spring tides coupled with excessive rainfall which has seen the Pomeroon River rise to unusually high levels. The small breach occurred and the engineering team on site responded immediately, sealing the breach and restoring the integrity to the area in less than 2 hrs. Dewatering of the areas affected has started and will continue to conclusion.

Our team remains on site monitoring the situation and conducting additional works to ensure and maintain the wall’s integrity in light of this excessive river swelling.

Adamantium Holdings will complete this project to fulfillment.