Family of missing boat porter seeking answers from police

Imlach Josiah Sears

The family of a missing 48-year-old porter, Imlach Josiah Sears, who is suspected to have fallen off a vessel while sleeping, is seeking answers from the police regarding his disappearance on May 10.

The incident is said to have occurred in the vicinity of Leguan in the Essequibo River.

According to the Commander of Regional of Division #3, Senior Super-intendent Mahendra Siwnarine, it was reported that the porter went to the upper deck of the boat to rest and while he was resting, it is alleged that he fell off the boat. The commander stated that the matter is under investigation and so far, statements have been taken from the boat captain and the crew. He added that multiple searches were carried out by the police in the area for Sears but up to now there has been no trace of him. Siwnarine confirmed that the boat which is currently docked at the Banks Thirst Park wharf in Georgetown is going to be inspected tomorrow.