Jagdeo warns about procurement skulduggery

Bharrat Jagdeo

Following numerous complaints about malpractices connected to state contracts, government has begun reviewing the procurement system and has warned that sting operations will be conducted countrywide and anyone found guilty will face consequences for their actions.

“I see a lot has been written about corruption and all of that. The government has undertaken a review at every level [of] the procurement system,” Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday told a press conference.

“Let me put on notice all of those people who are responsible for procurement in public corporations, statutory bodies, the ministries, regions, central ministries, everywhere, all the way up to the national tender board, that we’re examining the procurement procedures for compliance and also activities for compliance with the laws… and let me make it clear that if we find that those officers are skirting the provisions of the procurement law, then there shall be consequences for them,” he added.