‘Insufficient credible evidence’ to charge Dharamlall over new rape allegation – Police legal advisor

Nigel Dharamlall

The police force yesterday said that there was “insufficient credible evidence” to charge former Minister of Local Government Nigel Dharamlall over a new rape allegation.

It later clarified that this advice came from its senior legal advisor Mandel Moore. The matter was not referred to the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The police had been investigating rape allegations by Sarah Hakh who was an employee at the ministry at the time the rape was alleged to have occurred.

After days of silence on the probe, the police yesterday said that on the 23rd May 2024, it  received legal advice indicating that there was insufficient evidence to charge   Dharamlall in relation to the rape and sexual assault allegations made against him. The legal advice, it said, was based on the fact that there were several inconsistencies and discrepancies in the complainant’s story.