Applications for Miss Guyana Teen Scholar Pageant open on Independence Day

Jairo Rodrigues

Miss Guyana Teen Scholar Pageant opens its 2024 season this weekend for Independence Day. Described as a “gender and education development programme”, the pageant seeks to train adolescent Guyanese girls on life skills and social development, while introducing them to the pageantry of talent, modelling, and stage presence.

The winner of the pageant is awarded a $500,000 scholarship to pursue their studies or a career of their choice, as well as a round trip to a Caribbean destination, medical check-up, spa dates, and brand ambassadorships.

Speaking with Stabroek News, Social Development Director of the Imperial House – the organisation behind the pageant – Jairo Rodrigues said that 2024 is going to be a year of exciting change. “Now that we’re in our 6th year of coordinating this scholarship pageant, I would say those years were stepping stones for something greater,” he said. “With greater production value, events, and additions to the training programme this year, we are really looking forward to finding Guyana’s brightest in every sense of the phrase: the most intellectual, the most aspiring, and honestly the brightest star in the sky.”