Guyana at 58

Birthdays are always a time for celebration and reflection. Many Guyanese will feel happy that we have survived as a united nation. For reasons of partisan politicking, Independence was de-emphasized after Guyana became a Republic on 23 February, the date of the Berbice Slave Rebellion in 1763. It was also conveniently close to Burnham’s birthday on 20 February.  Republic Day became the occasion for Guyanese to express their patriotic fervour while Independence Day was all but forgotten, only to be revived after the PPP attained office in 1992. Although there are virtually no celebrations by the public, I am sure that most agree with me that a day off work is welcome. The reason for the holiday gives us the opportunity to reflect on what Guyana has achieved while enjoying time over a long weekend with friends and family and maybe a glass of wine or beer along with favourite dishes. For some, swimming and picnicking out of town are the preferred means of celebration. For many it beats, any day, the crowds and raucous music of the younger and more daring on Republic Day.