History, Infection, and Scenes of Long Ago

Jerry Barry: Sunday Morning Chores (Oil on Canvas; Photo credit: A McPherson with permission of the NGA)



History is beckoning. We are in a season for reflections. A season for considerations of the paths travelled and reckoning with the potholes and the speed bumps that stymied progress. We are in a season to celebrate our achievements.

Celebrate we must.

Reflect we must.

Self-diagnose we should.

1966 to 2024. History requires a reckoning with our individual and collective politics and our politicians – who did what to whom in the past and how today, the children and grandchildren navigate the unfortunate repercussions. In this season, the actions of the present and their impact on the future of today’s and tomorrow’s children should be foremost in our thoughts. But alas, when it is deemed acceptable that an adult may work for $4,000 per day my hope dissipates for the actions of today precipitating the present and future we all deserve.