From grandma’s kitchen to restaurants and a catering business: food is Reyon Bernard’s anchor

Reyon Bernard

During his childhood, Reyon Bernard spent a lot of time with his grandmother in the kitchen. He assisted her in preparing ingredients, including grating coconuts, and making various cakes and pastries, like Salara and Coconut Buns. “Every time I came home from school, I would just want to be in the kitchen with Granny,” Bernard recalled fondly. His mother often said, “You don’t find nothing else to do; you always deh up under your grandmother.” In response, he said, his grandmother would fret and tell his mom, to “leave her grandchild alone.”

Now a chef, Bernard cannot see himself doing anything else. He said he has always enjoyed cooking for his family members, co-workers and customers. “Food is something people love. Once you prepare food right, they will love it and they will keep coming back for more,” he shared. Bernard mentioned that satisfying people with his cooking is a feeling he enjoys immensely. As a chef who has cooked in many restaurants, he has interacted with different chefs from across the world. They often impart their knowledge to him and he eagerly absorbs this wisdom to improve his own cooking.