Try this: Cassava-stuffed Roti

Mashed cassava filling for roti (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

You’ve had Aloo (potato) roti right? Spiced seasoned mashed potatoes encased in dough that when rolled thinly puffs up on the tawah. It is a taste of home and considered comfort food. It is a treat. Eaten as is or with a slathering of sour and washed down with your favourite hot or cold beverage, it is pleasurable eating. Well, I want you to imagine all of that, only this time, the filling of spiced, mashed cassava!

Come with me.

This cassava-stuffed roti is made a little heartier than the traditional potato roti. I made it in the style of a Sada roti because I felt that the cassava being heavier and more condensed than potatoes, needed a dough with a little more heft. I was right. Whilst cooking, it puffed up just as Sada roti or potato roti would. Here’s why I want you to try this roti: unlike Sada roti, I brushed this roti hot off the stove with melted butter, sprinkled it with fresh ground geera/cumin and fresh coriander/cilantro. It was the bomb!