Wanderlust offers dark tourism with overnight tour to Jonestown

Welcome sign in front of Jonestown

Wanderlust Tours has ventured into the thanatourism, commonly known as dark tourism, market and is offering an overnight tour to Jonestown in Region One (Barima-Waini).

Historically, Jonestown was a settlement established by the People’s Temple, led by Jim Jones, in 1974. It became infamous on November 18th, 1978 when 918 people died in what became known as the Jonestown Massacre. 

The upcoming tour will delve into the socio-political factors that led to the creation and tragic end of Jonestown, its impact on global history and the lessons learned from that dark chapter. Wanderlust Tours believes that dark tourism, when approached with sensitivity and care, can foster a deeper understanding of the human experience and the complexities of the past.