Arbitration board for US$50m dispute with gas to energy company still to be set up

-but project proceeding as planned

The arbitration board that will settle the US$50 million dispute between government and Gas-to-Energy (GtE) Project contractor, CH4/Lindsayca, has not yet been set up as both sides are still in discussions about who the third member will be, government says.

However, although the adjudication process has been stalled, it will not affect the continuation of works at the Wales, West Bank Demerara site and the installation of piles is set to begin early next month.

“The third member [Chairman] of the DAAB [Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Board] is being discussed between Lindsayca and Govt.  Only after the third member is in place, will the 3-member board of the DAAB  start work. As such, the Lindsayca claim is yet to be formally placed before the 3-member DAAB,” GtE Project lead, Winston Brassington stated.