Guyana Embassy in Qatar hosts Independence celebration

Guyana Ambassador to Qatar Safraz Shadood (left) with Minister of Justice and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, Ibrahim Bin Ali Al Mohannadi

On Sunday, the Sheraton Hotel in Doha was lit with the colours of the Golden Arrowhead, as the Embassy of Guyana in Qatar hosted its first Independence Day reception.

A release from the embassy said that in attendence were the Minister of Justice and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, brahim Bin Ali Al Mohannadi, Director of the Ministry of Foreign Afairs Protocol Department, Ibrahim Yousif Fakhroo, along with other Qatari nationals, members of the business community, the diplomatic corps and the guyanese diaspora.

The release said that the programme included an address by Ambassdor Safraaz Shadood, who paid tribute to Guyana’s journey to Independence. This was followed by a cultural presentation made by Julia Theresa Kanhai and a cake cutting ceremony with the dignitaries.