Heavy rain floods Linden

A flooded Linden street

-PM sees negligence by town council

Heavy rain over the last two days has swamped large parts of Region 10 and sections of Region Nine and Five and the Ministry of Public Works has mobilized resources to ease flooding.

A Ministry of Public Works release yesterday said that the severe flooding in Linden is the result of an excessive amount of rainfall coupled with poorly maintained municipal drainage systems as well as obstructed drains. The ministry said that a multi-prong response had been launched. The Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Agriculture and the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) in collaboration with the Linden Town Council and the Region Ten council have been working to bring relief to citizens in the flooded area in Linden.

Meanwhile, the Public Relations Officer of  the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) Patrice Wishart told Stabroek News yesterday that areas in Linden had been highly impacted by the flooding. These include Mackenzie, Wismar and Christianburg. A team is in the area assisting residents.  In some areas in Region Nine like Lethem, the water has receded while some areas like Aishalton, South Rupununi are still flooded. An assessment team is in the area assisting residents.