Woman gives birth after GPHC surgery on blocked fallopian tubes

Rafi Rozan
Rafi Rozan

A woman has given birth to a girl after surgery at the GPHC on her blocked fallopian tubes allowed her to conceive.

The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) said in a release yesterday that the  medical achievement was made possible by a dedicated team of gynaecologists and obstetricians led by Dr. Rafi Rozan, Head of Department, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, GPHC.

The patient, a  40-year-old woman, had faced the heartbreak of secondary infertility for years due to complete blockage of both fallopian tubes. However, with the intervention and expertise of Dr. Rozan, a specialist in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, and the  dedication of his medical team, including Dr. Radha Sookraj, Nirvanie Singh, and Dr. Amanda Gray, a glimmer of hope began to shine through.

Patients with fallopian tube occlusion can pursue in vitro fertilization (IVF), a costly process not currently available at public health facilities in Guyana. Additionally, reproductive surgeries, which can serve as a primary treatment, enhance IVF outcomes, or preserve fertility, may also be considered.

Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes, where the egg and sperm meet. These tubes act as passageways, moving the fertilized egg to the uterus for implantation and development.

In this case, the release said that Dr. Rozan and his team performed a bilateral tubal reconstructive tuboplasty surgery. This meticulous procedure addressed the patient’s fallopian tube blockages, representing a crucial step in restoring her reproductive health. The precision and care with which the surgery was executed paved the way for a successful pregnancy, the release added.

As the patient recovered, anticipation grew. Just a few months later, her pregnancy test returned positive. The release said that  her resilience and the exceptional care provided by the medical team at GPHC ensured a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery. On Monday, May 20th, 2024, the patient joyfully cradled her newborn baby girl.

The infant was initially placed in the care of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) after birth and was later transferred to the Neonatal step-down unit at GPHC. She is expected to be discharged soon.