There must be unity after the PNCR elections

Dear Editor,

Our supporters and Guyanese in general at home and abroad need to hear from us in simple language. They want us to be very clear and direct with the narrative we give to them. But most importantly their greater concern is to see a united PNCR after party elections are held next month.

Whatever the divisions and differences; they must be not only wrapped up but must be binned after next month. We expect to have a smooth, fair and transparent party elections. If aspects of the leadership have any doubts, they must make that known and it must be dealt with to everyone’s satisfaction. There can be no division and dissatisfaction after; total unity is expected.

The loggerheads currently ongoing in the US with NAR and other PNCR groups must be addressed and a way forward must be agreed on before the party conducts its internal polls. I repeat, if there is need to expose, fight and sort out the rut, it must begin to happen now and end at the door of Congress in June.

There must be no Granger, Forde, Norton, Amanza, Harmon, Amna and Volda factions after Congress. It must be one PNCR. When the leader is elected, whoever that will be, all of us must rally behind that person no matter how we feel about them.

Certainly, I have no time to discuss any nonsense about a consensus candidate. And I will not tell the thousands reading this to entertain any discussion about that. It is us who have to lift up the new leader as the best possible candidate for the presidency of our country. We have to rally behind that leader fervently and in unison.

I am afraid that there is no real campaign happening now where leadership hopefuls are presenting themselves to our supporters telling them why they are best for the top position and other challengers are not. The debate must happen too and in the confines of those debates the dirty linen can justifiably be washed. Our supporters expect these things in order to be empowered and emboldened to support completely the national challenge to oust the PPP.

Iron out everything now or we will lose countless of our supporters coming up to national elections.


Norman Browne

Social and Political Activist