Hillfoot man dies after car, truck collision

Rudolph Caines
Rudolph Caines

Rudolph Caines, 68, died yesterday while his wife was injured after an early morning accident between a car and a truck at the Junction of Hillfoot Public Road, Soesdyke/Linden Highway.

The police yesterday said it is believed that the car driven by Caines failed to stop when it approached the Hillfoot Public Road junction at about 5.15 am and veered into the path of a motor lorry.

The accident involved Caines who was the owner of motorcar, PGG 6390, and his wife Maxine Caines,  66, both of Hillfoot Village, Soesdyke/Linden Highway and motor lorry, GAG 6169 driven at the time by Yogeshwar Ramnarine, a 38-year-old of 298 Richmond Housing Scheme, Essequibo Coast.

Rudolph and Maxine Caines were on their way to open their shop at the Soesdyke-Linden Junction.

The police said inquiries revealed that the driver of the car was travelling north along the eastern side of Hillfoot Access Road, Soesdyke/Linden Highway. As the car approached Hillfoot Public Road on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway, it is alleged that the driver failed to stop and veered into the path of the motor lorry, which was travelling  along the southern side of the same road.

This, the police said, caused the motor lorry to collide with the right-side of the car. As a result of the collision, both vehicles were damaged and the occupants of the car injured.

The occupants of the car were placed in a passing vehicle and transported to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where they were both examined.  Rudolph Caines was pronounced dead on arrival.

A breathalyzer test was conducted on the driver of the lorry and no trace of alcohol was found in his system. The body of the deceased was taken to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home for a post-mortem examination.

The deceased’s wife who was discharged from the Diamond Diagnostic Centre yesterday afternoon told  Stabroek News that she recalled when her husband turned at the Hillfoot junction onto the  Access Road, Soesdyke/Linden Highway. She said that she saw that a truck had stopped and another truck overtook the stationary one and  struck her husband’s car.

She said that her husband died on the scene while she was rushed to the Diamond Hospital. She was unsatisfied with the treatment the hospital gave her. She said that the doctor examined her, gave her painkillers along with another medication and sent her home even though she told the doctor that she is suffering from pains to the head.

She said that she was also upset about the police informing her to move the car from the scene. She added that she did not move the car thus far because as in all accidents, the police are supposed to take it to the Police Station.  When Stabroek News visited the scene at about 4:30 pm, the car was still there.

The relatives of the deceased expressed concerns about the conduct of truck drivers on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway. (Subhana Shiwmangal)