Ministry launches App to address labour concerns

From right are Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton and  Chief Labour Officer,  Dhaneshwar Deonarine (Ministry of Labour photo)
From right are Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton and Chief Labour Officer, Dhaneshwar Deonarine (Ministry of Labour photo)

In keeping with its push for the decentralisation and modernisation of its services, the Ministry of Labour yesterday launched an application on Google Play and App Stores to deal with labour concerns.

The app, titled “Labour Advice”, will allow for the computerised management of complaints and inquiries.

Chief Labour Officer, Dhaneshwar Deonarine noted that the app serves as both a quick and easy mechanism to access the ministry’s advisory services and lodge disputes and complaints.

“This app is designed to give workers and employers a convenient, efficient, and user-friendly tool to stay informed about their rights and seek assistance when necessary,” he said, according to a release from the ministry.

He said that the app will not replace the ministry’s current walk-in services, but instead strengthen its capacity to ensure that Guyanese across the length and breadth of the country can access these services.

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, said “We are moving from a place where from 2015 to 2020, this country had no labour ministry, and that is important to note. Through the re-establishment of a labour ministry, and the expansion thereof, to today, the 29th of May, we are launching a user-friendly application to allow for workers to engage the ministry of labour.

He further pointed out that when the ministry was re-established, it set out to ensure that offices were established in every region—except for Region Eight—for the convenience of workers countrywide.

 That was the first phase of this activity. We are now moving into the phase of technology and ready access to the labour ministry Hamilton said

 There has never been a time in  this country where the Ministry of Labour is visible like it is today. The proof as  they say is in the pudding. less  than four years, through the work of the Chief Labour Officer and his offciers we have recouped over $160 million from employer for employees.

You cannot put a price to the work  that the labour department does free of cost, across this country  to all and sundry. So people [should] appreciate and recognise the importance of tis application,  its lunch, and the importance of engaging expeditiously with people who have complaints from day ton day,” Hamilton added.

He urged those with industrial relations matters to contact the Labour Ministry to have their disputes or queries  addressed, rather than airing grievances publicly.