NA Multilateral hailed by CXC as exemplar for vocational qualification

In a recent comprehensive audit conducted by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), the New Amsterdam Multilateral Secondary School (NAMSS) has been distinguished as the exemplar institution for Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in the country.

Out of nine schools evaluated by the delegation, NAMSS emerged as the foremost model for its exceptional state of readiness, meticulous preparation, and robust arrangements in the domain of technical education, a release from the Ministry of Education said yesterday.

The delegation extensively commended the innovative initiatives and dedicated efforts undertaken by NAMSS to set up and maintain all necessary systems for the effective delivery of technical and vocational education.

“This recognition underscores the school’s commitment to excellence and sets a benchmark for vocational education standards within the region”, the release said.

Teachers at the school have expressed their deep satisfaction and pride in knowing that their dedicated efforts have been recognized and approved by the regional examination body.