Toddler dies after hit by shards of glass following accident

 Dead: Karson Daniel Mayers
Dead: Karson Daniel Mayers

A family is now mourning the loss of a one-year-old boy following an accident at West Coast Berbice (WCB). Dead is Karson Daniel Mayers of Mahaica.

At the time of the accident, the infant was with his parents, Monique and Keshawn Mayers, along with his elder brother Kristan and a godfather in their car heading back home. The family was returning from paying car instalments in Berbice.

According to the child’s grandmother, Wendy Richmond, the accident occurred at a turn in Britannia, WCB. Richmond told Stabroek News that, based on what she heard, a truck overtook the family’s car on the turn, resulting in the car being dragged by the right side for some distance by the truck.

 As a consequence, shards of glass from the now-damaged vehicle penetrated the back of her grandson’s head. Karson, who was in his mother’s arms, in the back right seat of the vehicle at the time of the accident, succumbed to his injuries. The family was taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital where the infant was pronounced dead while the others were sent away, being uninjured.

Richmond recalled that her daughter, Monique, fainted after realizing that her younger child was no more. Despite being sent away by doctors, the young woman complained of pain in her eye and numbness in her body and was taken to the Mahaicony District Hospital to be examined further.

The boy’s father, who was celebrating his birthday yesterday, was taken in for statements at the Weldaad Police Station. Up to press time yesterday, the truck driver was also at the station, being questioned.

Karson would’ve celebrated his second birthday this coming September.