Success man gets 55 months for dangerous driving death

Muneshwar Balram
Muneshwar Balram

Muneshwar Balram, a 25-year-old of Lot 360 Success Street, Railway Embankment, E.C.D was jailed yesterday for 55 months for  causing death by dangerous driving.

Balram appeared at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court #2 before Magistrate Abigail Gibbs where the charge was read to him. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 55 months imprisonment.

Balram was charged in relation to an accident which occurred on March 26, 2024 on the La Bonne Intention, Railway Embankment Road, East Coast Demerara that claimed the life of Venus Althea Williams, a 20-year-old of Lot 613 Section ‘C’, Sophia, Georgetown.

Williams had been a pillion rider on motorcycle CN 894 owned by Marc Richardson and ridden by Frank Yorrick.