Suspect shot in jaw during Sophia robbery bid – police

A man suspected of an attempted robbery on a `C’ Field, Sophia businesswoman is now nursing wounds after a guard opened fire.

Police in Regional Division #4’A’ say they are investigating an armed robbery bid on Zheng Siyi, a 22-year-old businesswoman  who operates ‘Good Luck’ supermarket. The attempt occurred on Thursday, at about 4.50 pm and involved two men,  one armed with a handgun.

One of the suspects was identified as Oniel Batson, a  23-year-old  of D’Urban Street, Lodge, Georgetown.

Investigations revealed that the businesswoman was in her supermarket when the suspects entered from a western door. At the time, a security guard was on duty armed with a 12-gauge shotgun, property of the said security service he works with.

The two males approached the businesswoman and one pointed the gun at her and told her to hand over the money and phone cards that were in a drawer. 

The businesswoman raised an alarm, and the security guard responded. On encountering the suspects, he discharged a round that hit one of the men.  The suspects immediately ran out of the supermarket and discharged several rounds as they fled.

Batson later showed up at the Georgetown Public Hospital, nursing gunshot wounds to the right middle finger and right-side lower jaw.

He is presently receiving medical attention under police guard. One cartridge casing, and two .32 spent shells were recovered.

The police say they are making diligent efforts to locate the other suspect.