Crossover votes will break the chain of racial voting

Dear Editor,

I get the feeling that the vast majority of Indo-Guyanese would prefer to be in business rather than politics. But, the spectre of the PNC rigging elections to get into power and staying in power means that today’s Indo-Guyanese are obligated to be in politics as well. I understand that times have changed and the domination that the PNCR had over African-Guyanese has eroded. While there is still significant control, there is a segment of African-Guyanese who shuns the PNCR. Much like there was a segment of Indian Guyanese who shunned the PPP/C in May 2015 General Elections. These crossover voters are needed to breakdown racial voting.

People are not doing anything wrong by voting against their kith n’ kin. Indeed, voting on issues as opposed to voting for your kith n’ kin is needed. So, how has the PPP/C performed economically, socially and politically? It is believed that the PPP/C (new) mantra is to work for the betterment of all Guyanese. Whereas the PNCR is stuck in the past and will work for their constituency (basically, only those who vote for them). Yes, I get the point that the PPP/C does developmental work to win votes. But, so does the PNCR! So, what’s your point?

The latest salvo is the recent flooding in Linden whereby the PNCR controlled Linden is blaming the PPP/C Government for lack of funding to do development work. What exactly has Sharma Solomon done for Linden? Has he wooed business people to invest in Linden? Sad to say, he is stuck in the past. By now with its cheap labour and cheap electricity Linden should be ahead of the game of attracting businesses.


Sean Ori