Did creek diversions play role in washing away section of Lethem Trail?

The fractured section of the Lethem to Kurupukari trail last week. (Greaves’ Transportation and Tours photo)

-Edghill says too early to know

Following concerns raised by Region Nine residents and  commuters, Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill says that it is too early to know if engineered creek diversions contributed to the recent washing away of a section of the Kurupukari/Lethem corridor. 

“I don’t think that I can definitively pronounce on that because the water levels are too high for us to pronounce on that. So cause and water flow… we can’t at this time,” Edghill said when contacted by the Sunday Stabroek.

He noted that his ministry had dispatched a team which included Minister within the Ministry of Public Works Deodat Indar and the Chief Engineer to the area. The two had returned to the city on Friday but the remainder of the team had not, so  Edghill stated he had not yet been briefed.

Residents of Region Nine as well as the operator of a bus service which plies the Lethem-to- Georgetown route told this newspaper that they believe the man-made creek diversions contributed to the washing away of the road along with government not listening to advice on what should be done.