GuySuCo to supply interpreters for Cuban experts

Paul Cheong, hand outstretched, speaking to the Cuban experts on Friday (GuySuCo photo)

-following complaints of language barrier

Complaints from the staff of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) about the language barrier between them and the Cuban experts here to help resuscitate the industry will be addressed and they will be given interpreters, GuySuCo Chairman Paul Cheong has assured.

The Sunday Stabroek was informed, on the condition of anonymity, that the Cuban workers have to use the Google Translate feature on their cellphones and it is frustrating them and the local workers. They are asking for an interpreter to be assigned to each of the four estates that they have been attached to.

When contacted about the issue, GuySuCo’s new chairman told this newspaper that he was on his way to meet with the affected staff members. Following the meeting, he said that the issue was addressed and they will be assigned interpreters.