Trinidad opposition leader vows to reopen Petrotrin refinery if elected

Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Kamla Persad-Bissessar

(Trinidad Guardian) Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has vowed to reopen the Petrotrin Refinery should she be re-elected prime minister in next year’s general election. She made the revelation last night as the UNC campaigned in Quinam/Morne Diablo ahead of the June 17 by-election.


She also promised to expand the Government Assistance for Tuition Expenses (GATE) programme while also providing free laptops for all secondary school students and tablets for primary school children.


Among a list of promises made in Penal last night, Persad-Bissessar said she would ease access to legal firearms for law-abiding citizens while bringing laws for citizens to defend themselves in home invasions.


She reiterated her intention to enact Stand Your Ground laws as an answer to rising crime across the country while saying she would ensure police officers patrol schools. “What we are seeing in schools is not bullying but actually violent crime,” Persad-Bissessar said.


Promising lower fuel prices, no VAT on 7,000 food items, and “a comprehensive review of the demerit system,” Persad-Bissessar also plans to lower foreign used car prices.


She said that should she be elected, her party would begin the construction of the San Fernando to Mayaro Highway. The party does not support any increases in water and electricity rates, she said.


Meanwhile, Princes Town MP Barry Padarath warned that unity is required ahead of next year’s general election, and the by-election paves the way for that. He scolded those who sought to bring down MPs and councillors. He warned against “pulling down” candidates Sarah Sookdeo (Quinam/Morne Diablo) and Nicole Gopaul (Lengua/Indian Walk).