Noise nuisance, law breakers and public obscenity

Dear Editor,

In our delicate, debauched and demoniac society today, the disgusting issues of noise nuisance, law breakers and public obscenity, align themselves to affront: the decency of moral dignity; the right to reside in a peaceful neighbourhood; the right to rest and sleep at night; the right not to be traumatized by willful disruptions; the right to live in a healthy environment; the right not to be endangered by criminal activities; the right not to be invaded by intruders; the right not to have their private property defecated on to say the least. The above-mentioned unsolicited requisites are simply the tip of the iceberg for what should be automatically enjoyed in Guyana and a civilized community that respects law and order and abides with established rules and regulations.

These inflamed elements are factored into a volatile package which tear away at the very cusp of many communities and cry the tune of a broken record. Sadly, they go noticeably silent on the relevant authoritative sources who are armed to provide for the protection of the very society which contributes to their well-being. Even when complaints are lodged, they may be ignored, treated inappropriately, regarded as a joke and with a dismissive response, swept under the carpet or left hanging in mid-air. The matter may be tolerably address-ed in the form of informal discussion but without applicable recourse for any tangible redress with immediate remedial effect.

The intolerable menace of noise nuisance often originates from bars which function in the heart of  communities, disrupting the peace and tranquility of residents, students, babies and young ones, the sick and the elderly. When it’s not the loud music with an open park concert type volume, it’s the loud, lousy and ludicrous shouting conversations and the foul language from drunk, uncaring and unconcerned patrons. Dem Byes Se “All dis loud music na jus drown out conversation, it drown out humanity!”

Then, there is the ear shattering noise which emanates from drivers competing with the DJ from a Rock concert. The ‘show off’ drivers and bikers screech their tires as if they are on the race track at South Dakota.  The already small streets, are filled with vehicles parked on both sides, alluding to traffic congestion, cars parked illegally in residents’ driveways, cars blocking the entrances and exits of side streets and drivers experiencing nightmares in order to navigate a passageway to get in or out of the streets. In event of an ambulance or fire truck answering a call of emergency or urgency, do fear for the worst and the unacceptable.

More so, customers would loiter and lime in front of these bars, drinking, cursing and engaging in rowdy, rambunctious and reckless discussions. They would litter the streets with paper cups, plastic glasses, bottles, cigarette butts and food containers. Their loud voices compete with lawless laughs and shouting matches. Their garbage is also thrown in the drains which form the base for breeding grounds for insects, mosquitoes and flies which contribute to the danger of health hazards.

While these strangers visit the bar, they present a security risk for unwanted company infiltrating a community with hidden agendas and criminal intentions. Suspicious drug trafficking is not uncommon along with undeclared activities which do not saturate the day. The normal smell of cigarettes is adulterated with other scented flavours to pollute the air! Butts from other stems are carefully hunted for, in the following morning, either to remove evidence of illegality or to be enjoyed for that last whiff and puff.

The disgusting mayhem of public obscenity dominates the order of the night and males and females indulge in exposing their privates openly. They can be seen urinating in the most comfortable positions and not bothered by who is witnessing such a despicable performance. The men can be seen deliberately looing and urinating on the premises of residents’ properties as if it is an accepted norm in the context of a Wild West society. Defecating on people’s fences is an attribute of anarchic and uncivilized people who are not ashamed of their proud behaviour. Vomiting in the streets is another unsightly and upsetting scene.

The alarming mischief of lawbreakers is encouraged to continue to be on the wrong side of justice and is tolerated, encouraged and yes, protected by those with incentive interests! Overcrowded bars are good for the business owners but bad for the insurance companies. Opening past the curfew time is good for the customers, better for the businesses and best for the bar owners. This is bad for the antagonizing surroundings, worse for the sleepless residents and worst for the peace of the community. How can bars be allowed to operate past the 2 am closing time and operate until 6 am?

This three-dimensional sickening nuisance forms the nucleus of an attack on humanity, sanity and dignity. Its indecency questions the very essence of respect, regard and reproach to rationalize and resurrect the request for residents in the rural areas to remain relatively resolute in the appeal for the law to take its justified course.

Yours respectfully,

Jai Lall.