GFF installs IMC to administer West Demerara Football

Former WDFA President Trevor Williams

The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) has installed an Interim Management Committee (IMC) to administer and bring stability to the West Demerara Football Association (WDFA).

This was disclosed in a release from the federation. According to the correspondence, the entity, which was made official on May 31st in accordance with Article 51 of the GFF’s statutes, comprises Chairperson Grace Burgess as well as Committee Members George Adolph, Danneze Lovell, and Joseph Prescott.

The body will last for the duration of 12 months and will be tasked with the daily operations of the association in accordance with the entity’s constitution and the GFF Statutes, a review and update process in aligning the WDFA Constitution with the GFF Statutes, regularising the structure of the clubs, and supervising an eventual election.