Miss Universe Guyana contestant Katifa Lester talks about motherhood, support and determination

Katifa Lester
Katifa Lester

Katifa Lester’s nearly two-year-old daughter often enjoyed looking through the window from the couch. One day, while her daughter was gazing outside, Lester turned away for a few seconds. When she turned back, the baby was gone. Panicked, she immediately called her mother to ask if she had taken the baby. Her mother responded that she hadn’t. They both rushed to the front of the house, looked out the window and discovered that the toddler had fallen from the second-storey window.

Lester recounted rushing down the stairs, picking up her daughter and getting a car to go to the hospital. She was so stressed that she even put her clothes on inside out. Upon arriving at the hospital, she explained what had happened. After examining the child, the doctors found that, apart from some bruises, nothing was wrong, despite the fall onto concrete. Lester credited God for helping the situation, as she is a strong believer.

The bruises the child sustained healed after several days. “That’s when I realised just how much I love this little human being that I created,” Lester said. “I felt guilty at the same time because I only looked away for a few seconds. But I had to learn as a mother that anything can happen, whether you’re looking or not.”

Katifa Lester

After that, there was no more looking out the window, Lester said. Memories of her child came rushing back after the incident. Lester recalled her time during pregnancy and important life events, like her child’s first birthday. It was a stark reminder of how close she came to losing her daughter.

As scary as this incident was, it changed Lester for the better. “I learned to adapt more, to focus more, to be more attentive and to be more cautious,” Lester said. She explained that having good qualities as a parent is important because children are always observing and often emulate the behaviour and qualities of their parents.

Lester also had a good role model in her mother. Raised in a single-parent home, she witnessed her mom working tirelessly to provide a comfortable life and support her dreams and aspirations. Lester noted that her mother never responded negatively to any of her goals. Whatever Lester wanted to do, she aimed to ensure she did her best. One of the most valuable lessons her mother instilled in her is that whatever she does in life, she must always put God first. Lester said she cannot see her life without the guidance of the creator.

Lester’s current trajectory was guided by her mother. She admired the way her mom dressed and carried herself. This admiration sparked her interest in modelling and pageantry, leading her to start competing at the age of 11. Now, she is one of the contestants in the upcoming Miss Guyana Universe pageant.

Lester said competing in the Miss Universe Guyana pageant was a lifelong dream. Initially, she was too young for the pageant. Then, she gave birth to her first child at the age of 18, and at that time, mothers were not allowed to participate in Miss Universe. Lester expressed gratitude that the pageant has evolved, allowing her to compete now as a married woman with three children. Previously, married women were also not allowed to compete. Additionally, women with tattoos, like Lester, were once excluded but are now accepted by the pageant. This change which is reflective of contemporary values and personal choices by women is welcomed by Lester and she noted that it is an opportunity to show the world that a woman’s success in pageantry should not end at motherhood.

“Being a mother does not mean that our life is over. Motherhood is a part of life. It is a beautiful journey. We are living life as we are supposed to,” she expressed. “The only thing about motherhood is that it changes your body. And in pageantry, at first you had to have this perfect body because plus size wasn’t welcomed, but now they are welcoming everyone.”

While welcoming this development, Lester acknowledged that a mother and a wife has responsibilities and one of the concerns with pageantry was if a Queen was unable to fulfil her duties. She explained, however, that this can be remedied once the Queen has a support system in place that can fill the gaps she would find challenging in her life.

Before Lester got married, she was a single parent, but she found it manageable thanks to the strong support from her mother. She described her husband as a positive influence who has helped transform her life. He played a significant role in fostering her interest in business, which led her to establish her own spa and salon. Now, her husband not only offers emotional support but also steps in to provide her with breaks when needed. With his support, Lester has been able to assemble a dedicated team for her pageant endeavour, including a coach, makeup artist, personal stylist, and photographer. She credits her husband with expanding her support network beyond her mother and enabling her to pursue her dreams with the best resources available.

During their courtship, Lester’s husband took a keen interest in her dreams, prompting her to share them openly. When she expressed her desire to pursue Miss Guyana Universe, he pledged his unwavering support. As Miss Universe Guyana commenced its search for contestants, her husband encouraged her to seize the opportunity, affirming his belief in her capabilities.

Lester described the newfound support as overwhelming, at times feeling as though she’s living a dream. However, she reminds herself that this is her reality, her life. Her journey has been marked by both triumphs and tribulations. Giving birth to her second daughter, who arrived prematurely, brought added challenges, especially after the subsequent loss of the child’s father. Amidst grief and the demands of caring for a newborn, Lester found solace in her mother’s support and encouraging words. “There is nothing in life that you can’t do. Some things are going to be challenging but when you wake up each day, it is a chance for you to make a change,” her mother’s words resonated, guiding her through difficult moments. Lester found the courage to navigate this tumultuous chapter in her life.

Now, Lester is leveraging her support system to raise awareness about combating fires, a cause she had chosen even before the recent spate of fires in Guyana. She emphasised that fires  affect people mentally, emotionally, and physically, yet often remain an overlooked topic in Guyanese discourse. Lester noted the lack of widespread dissemination of information regarding fire safety measures, contributing to a general unawareness among the public. She chose this platform precisely because it’s seldom addressed, aiming to fill the void in discussions. One pressing concern she is highlighting is the common occurrence of blocked fire hydrants, exacerbated by drainage issues and pollution in Guyana’s drains. Lester stressed the critical importance of unblocking hydrants to facilitate firefighters in their battle against blazes. With the Miss Universe Guyana platform empowering contestants to choose their advocacy, Lester sees an opportunity to thrust this vital issue into the spotlight. The coronation for Miss Universe Guyana is set for July 26th 2024 at the Marriott Hotel in Kingston.