Miss Universe Guyana contestant Katifa Lester talks about motherhood, support and determination

Katifa Lester

Katifa Lester’s nearly two-year-old daughter often enjoyed looking through the window from the couch. One day, while her daughter was gazing outside, Lester turned away for a few seconds. When she turned back, the baby was gone. Panicked, she immediately called her mother to ask if she had taken the baby. Her mother responded that she hadn’t. They both rushed to the front of the house, looked out the window and discovered that the toddler had fallen from the second-storey window.

Lester recounted rushing down the stairs, picking up her daughter and getting a car to go to the hospital. She was so stressed that she even put her clothes on inside out. Upon arriving at the hospital, she explained what had happened. After examining the child, the doctors found that, apart from some bruises, nothing was wrong, despite the fall onto concrete. Lester credited God for helping the situation, as she is a strong believer.

The bruises the child sustained healed after several days. “That’s when I realised just how much I love this little human being that I created,” Lester said. “I felt guilty at the same time because I only looked away for a few seconds. But I had to learn as a mother that anything can happen, whether you’re looking or not.”