Solid foundation kept US-based Guyanese Laurice White on track after loss of dad

Laurice White during his graduation from Towson University

By Abigail Headley

When he was young, US-based Guyanese travel nurse Laurice White had his heart set on becoming a lawyer. However, after he lost his father at the age of 16, his life took a different trajectory, leading to his current career and status as a happily married father of one.

The 25-year-old, who has overcome numerous challenges to achieve his goals, took some time off from his busy schedule to have a chat with Stabroek Weekend.

Growing up in the quiet village of Tempe, West Coast Berbice, his childhood was marked by simplicity and hard work. However, fun and an active social life were not excluded.

“I spent most of my childhood pretty much interacting with my cousins and neighbours,” he said. “So, you would always find me going to different homes and households in the village and then the back streets and on the roadside… playing cricket and different childhood games. And then mostly I would be at my grandma’s house next door. I would be spending time with my cousins who lived there until my mom or my dad would call for my sister and I to go home.”