New Brussels ambassador can sign Samoa Agreement on behalf of Guyana – Todd

Hugh Todd

The Samoa Agreement could be signed by Guyana’s Ambassador to the European Union Sasenarine Singh who leaves for Brussels next week as the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) meeting did not afford the opportunity for it to be signed there, Minister of Foreign Affairs Hugh Todd said.

“No, it could not be signed there because there wasn’t an opportunity. We are due to have an ambassador posted to Brussels shortly… where the new ambassador can sign,” Todd told the Stabroek News when contacted yesterday for an update. He explained that the ambassador can sign on behalf of the government and he expects that is what might happen.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs had last month told this newspaper, “We will sign at the next available opportunity, possibly in Samoa later this year or in Antigua later this month [at the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States].”