Region Eight invites bids to build three primary schools

Three primary schools are slated to be constructed in Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni) in the near future.

According to a notice in the Guyana Chronicle yesterday, the Regional Democratic Council of Region Eight is inviting sealed bids from eligible bidders to execute the construction of three primary schools in the region.

The notice said the projects are scheduled to be completed in accordance with National Competitive Bidding procedures. The three schools are to be constructed at Red Creek, Pennak, and Kurubrung/Wailang villages, it added.

The notice advised interested parties that the bidding document can be inspected and obtained from the Regional Office of the Regional Democratic Council, at Mahdia 111 Miles Potaro Road, during normal working hours from Monday to Friday. The bid documents, it said, can also be uplifted from the Regional Accounting Unit on payment of a non-refundable fee of $3,000.

Further, the notice instructed that bidders must submit their proposals in a plain envelope bearing no identification of the bidder and clearly marked on the top left-hand corner with the title “Tender for”. The bids, it noted, must be addressed to the Chairman of the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board at the Ministry of Finance, 49 Main and Urquhart streets, Georgetown, Guyana.

It was cautioned that electronic bidding will not be permitted, and late bids will be rejected. Further, the notice said that bids that are submitted will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at 9 am on June 20, in the boardroom of the Ministry of Finance.

All bids, it said, must be accompanied by valid certificates of compliance from the Manager of the National Insurance Scheme and Commissioner of Guyana Revenue Authority. The Regional and National Procurement and Tender Administration Boards reserve the right to reject any or all bids without assigning any reason whatsoever and not necessarily to award the lowest bidder, the notice stated.

The deadline for submission of bids is June 20, at 9 am.