Eighty graduate from Humanitarian Mission classes

The graduates and others on May 18th
The graduates and others on May 18th

Eighty students graduated on May 18 from classes run by the  Humanitarian Mission Guyana Inc at Port Mourant, Corentyne.

Classes included Cake Decoration, Information Tech-nology, Sewing, and Cosmeto-logy – hair, nails, and makeup, a release from the organisation said.

“We are immensely proud of our graduating class and all that they have achieved,” said Suresh Sugrim, board member at Humanitarian Mission Guyana Inc.

A sewing class

“Today, we celebrate not only their academic accomplishments but also their growth as individuals, leaders, and change-makers. We have every confidence that they will go on to make meaningful contributions to their communities and the world”, he said.

Humanitarian Mission Guy-ana Inc says it is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating, empowering, and elevating individuals in breaking the cycle of poverty through life skills education and community development.