Schools reporting low attendance as teachers’ strike grinds on

By Shuntel Glasgow

As the teachers’ strike entered its 53rd day yesterday, parents are continuing to express concern over their children being at home for prolonged periods. Many schools around the Georgetown and East Coast Demerara recorded little or no attendance yesterday. 

This newspaper visited several schools around the city and observed that a majority of the schools were without teachers and students. While commuters were traversing the streets, the silence within the school compounds stood out as children who are usually seen playing or interacting with each other were absent. St. Sidwell’s Primary, Enterprise Primary and St. Margaret’s Primary were among the many Primary Schools visited. Student-teachers from the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) were however present in some schools. Schools along Woolford Avenue were open with children and teachers present. Stabroek News understands that since the re-commencement of the strike, attendance at these schools has dropped significantly compared to the last strike in February.