State has violated rights of Isseneru villagers – IACHR

The water system launched in 2022

-calls for reparations

The regional human rights body, IACHR has found that the State of Guyana is responsible for the violations of the rights of the Akawaios of Isseneru pertaining to collective territorial property, right to equality under the law and rights to health, food and water among other areas and has called for reparations.

In a report published on April 24th, 2024,  the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) said   On November 28, 2023, the Commission adopted Final Admissibi-lity and Merits Report No. 297/23 and issued its final conclusions and recommendations to the State. This was based on a petition to it from Isseneru and the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) on September 5th, 2013. On December 6, 2023, the Commission transmitted the report to the State with a deadline of one month to inform it on the measures adopted to comply with its recommendations. On January 10, 2024, the IACHR said that the State of Guyana requested an extension of 3 months to submit its response. On February 1, 2024, the IACHR granted a 3-week extension. As of April 24th this year, the IACHR said it had not received a response from the State in relation to the report.