Set up committee to seriously consider relocation of capital city

Dear Editor,

I am writing to propose the formation of a dedicated planning committee to seriously consider the relocation of Guyana’s capital city. With the anticipated completion of major roadways and the establishment of a sufficient power supply, now is an opportune moment to explore the benefits of such a significant move.

Relocating the capital city offers numerous advantages. First, it can alleviate congestion and overpopulation in Georgetown, leading to improved living conditions and better resource management. Addition-ally, a new capital can be designed with modern infrastructure, better suited to the demands of the 21st century, including advanced public transportation systems, sustainable urban planning, and resilient utilities.

Furthermore, this initiative can stimulate economic growth in other regions of the country. By decentralizing administrative functions, we can promote equitable development and reduce regional disparities. The construction of a new capital would also create numerous job opportunities and attract both local and international investments.

The formation of a planning committee is crucial to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach to this complex endeavour. The committee should consist of experts in urban planning, environmental sustainability, infrastructure development, and representatives from various stakeholder groups, including local communities and businesses. Public consultations should be an integral part of the planning process to ensure that the new capital meets the needs and aspirations of all Guyanese citizens.

I urge the relevant authorities to consider this proposal seriously. The strategic relocation of our capital city could position Guyana as a forward-thinking nation, capable of adapting to future challenges and seizing new opportunities.

Yours faithfully,

Keith Bernard