Daily Archive: Friday, June 7, 2024

Articles published on Friday, June 7, 2024

Gold to silver trio charged

-granted $600,000 bail each The three persons who earlier this week allegedly attempted to smuggle over 240 ounces of gold to the United States  pleaded not guilty to the joint charge when they appeared before the court yesterday, and have each been placed on $600,000 bail.

Factoring cassava into the regional food security equation

If cassava may not necessarily be the ‘last word’ in the pursuit of regional food security, Guyana, it seems, is in the process of positioning itself to put the widely cultivated root crop forward as an option that simply cannot be overlooked in the ongoing animated discourse on how to meet the requirements of every dinner table in the region.

Palestinians inspect the site of an Israeli strike on a UNRWA school sheltering displaced people, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, June 6, 2024. REUTERS/Doaa Rouqa

Israeli strike on UN school kills dozens in Gaza

CAIRO/JERUSALEM,  (Reuters) –  Israel hit a Gaza school yesterday with what it described as a targeted airstrike on up to 30 Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters inside, and a Hamas official said 40 people were killed including women and children sheltering at the U.N.

Public Works Minister Juan Edghill (right) on the barge

Kwakwani barge to get urgently needed repairs

The government has announced that it is collaborating with the Kwakwani Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) in Region 10 to implement measures to ensure the smooth functioning of the barge service, which it says, is “crucial” to the community’s mining and logging sector.

The IACHR report

The government habit of ratifying international covenants and then ignoring the commitments they have made is coming back to haunt them.

Stock Market Updates

GSE (https://guyanastockexchangeinc.com/telephone Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 1074’s trading results showed consideration of $32,908,995 from 103,480 shares traded in 35 transactions as compared to session 1073’s trading results, which showed consideration of $11,119,923 from 36,357 shares traded in 44 transactions.

Georgetown’s princely budget

Dear Editor, I am writing with a heart full of jubilation and a head brimming with confusion over the recent announcement of Georgetown’s annual budget: a staggering $3.29 billion Guyana dollars, or for those more comfortable with the global hegemon’s currency, approximately $15.6 million US dollars.

Essequibo Zone set to debut tonight in Anna Regina

Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Championship Following the confirmation of the teams and the appropriate regulations and structures, the inaugural edition of the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Essequibo Championship will kick off this evening at the Anna Regina Car Park Tarmac.

The pair (right) of Sandeep Chand and Andre Lopes prevailed in the Men’s 35 and Over segment

Essequibo Zone set to debut tonight in Anna Regina

Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Championship Following the confirmation of the teams and the appropriate regulations and structures, the inaugural edition of the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ Essequibo Championship will kick off this evening at the Anna Regina Car Park Tarmac.