CARICOM forum forced postponement of parliament committee meeting – Todd

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Co-Operation, Hugh Todd on Wednesday told Stabroek News that a meeting of the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Foreign Affairs had to be postponed because he was attending an important CARICOM forum.

In a statement on Tuesday, Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs Amanza Walton-Desir noted the inconvenience caused to attendees like Ronald Cox, M.P., who made the journey from Mabaruma, Region 1, only to be met with the abrupt cancellation. She noted that Region 1 stands on the frontlines of various crises, including those stemming from the ongoing migration issues, making Cox’s trip not just symbolic but deeply significant.

The cancellation of this meeting comes at a time when she said that Guyana faces escalating tensions, notably from Venezuela’s assertive actions concerning the Essequibo region. With the agenda set to cover topics such as the escalating military buildup along the border and updates on the legal proceedings at the Inter-national Court of Justice (ICJ), the absence of this discussion is not just an inconvenience but a setback in addressing pressing national security concerns, she said.

Walton-Desir voiced her frustration, highlighting the continued failure to convene the committee as a direct hindrance to effective responses to threats against Guyana’s sovereignty and territorial inte-grity. She emphasized the importance of transparency and decisive action from the leadership, especially in matters as critical as national security.

Walton-Desir said that despite consistent efforts including numerous letters to Todd, urging the convening of the committee, her requests have been met with silence. This lack of response only compounds the frustration and raises questions about the government’s commitment to addressing these critical issues, she asserted.

“The is not a time for political maneuvering. The safety and security of the nation are at stake, requiring united efforts and transparent communication from the government”, she asserted. She called on the authorities to immediately reschedule the meeting and ensure the committee can fulfill its constitutional role.

She added that the people of Guyana have a right to be kept informed about the real threats facing the nation and the measures being taken to safeguard it. She pledged to continue advocating for transparency, accountability, and a robust response to the challenges confronting Guy-ana’s national security.