Larceny accused allegedly beaten, refused bail

Cordel Eastman

A man charged with multiple counts of larceny, who alleged that he was beaten in the presence of the police, was on Friday refused bail when he appeared before Magistrate Leron Daly at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court.

It was alleged that between May 25 and 27, 2024 at Stabroek Market, Georgetown, Cordel Eastman, in the company of another, broke and entered the stall of Mohamed Hoosein and stole 12 ZTE cellphones valued $120,000, a quantity of silver jewellery valued $300,000 and $420,000 cash.

It was also alleged that between the same dates he broke and entered the business stall of Romelia Derandy and stole 31 cellphones valued $894,500, 21 Fire Sticks valued $470,000 and other items totalling $2.7 million in value.