I urge a swift and reasonable end to this harmful standoff with teachers

Dear Editor,

Today, what with massive monies from oil, gold etc. and our government embarking on the glorious spending spree boasting, for example – the construction of schools in every Region yet the government seems to treat meetings with the Guyana Teachers’ Union representing teachers in the public sector in the most callous and cavalier manner when discussing increases of salaries. The fact that our teachers are the  lowest paid  in the Region seems to be of no consequence.

In a country where education is vital to produce the skills and attitude to secure the integrity of this nation, the importance of teachers and teaching is beyond question. Teachers are vital for the overall development of every society and any truly concerned Government ought not to ignore this universal truism and in the interest of this and succeeding generations I urge a swift and reasonable end to this harmful and unnecessary standoff.

So why is our government dragging this matter out? There is no shortage of money since 2019 when oil production began.

Yours faithfully,

Hamilton Green
