East Bank Berbice businesswoman, construction worker held over shotgun

The shotgun
The shotgun

An East Bank Berbice businesswoman and a construction worker were both on Thursday arrested in connection with an unlicensed firearm at Islington Village, Greater New Amsterdam.

According to the police, the duo was arrested after an unlicensed twelve-gauge shotgun was discovered during an intel-led joint operation which was conducted around 3 pm at Islington, New Amsterdam.

The police said that based on information received, the ranks stopped a motor vehicle, PAB 3302, on the public road at Islington. However, the vehicle drove away and sped off towards the Islington seawall where it eventually stopped.

At that location a 33-year-old construction worker from Overwinning Housing Scheme, exited the vehicle and started to run. “He had in his hand an object wrapped with transparent plastic. With the ranks giving chase, the suspect threw the object over the seawall. He then gave himself up to the police.”

However, due to the high tide, police remained at the Islington Seawall with the suspect, at the area where he was seen throwing the object. “At about 21:00 hrs, police searched the area and found an object wrapped in transparent plastic and observed that it was a twelve-gauge shotgun. The suspect was asked whether he was the holder of a Firearm Licence and he remained silent. He was told of the offence committed, cautioned and arrested.”

The motor car that the suspect exited was at the time being driven by a 30-year-old businesswoman of Overwinning Housing Scheme. The businesswoman was also arrested and escorted to Central Police Station along with motor vehicle PAB 3302.