QC board sends recommendation to ministry on flogging case

A decision is anticipated in the upcoming week regarding the Queen’s College flogging incident. Stabroek News reached out to Marcel Gaskin, the head of the Queen’s College Board of Directors, who confirmed that a written recommendation had been sent to the Ministry of Education.

Following this, Stabroek News also contacted Chief Education Officer Saddam Hussain, who verified receipt of the letter and stated that the ministry is currently reviewing the board’s recommendations. Both Gaskin and Hussain declined to disclose the specifics of the recommendations, however, Hussain emphasised the importance of due process, stating, “We want to ensure that all the Ts are crossed and Is are dotted.” He assured that the resolution arrived at would be made public once the ministry is prepared to do so.

The incident in question occurred on May 16, when a senior teacher at Queen’s College allegedly flogged ten students for reasons that have not been disclosed. This event has sparked significant backlash, drawing the attention of ChildLinK, a child protection NGO.