Each Guyanese must have an input in what is being done towards the development of our country

Dear Editor,

The recent repeated utterance by our Vice-President, asserting that the Opposition is unable to function irrespective of who were in the leadership positions, is to the minds of many of us fair-minded and democratic Guyanese just an effort to discredit this vital part of the Government, and to continue to perform what we believe unilaterally as a dictatorship.

It is true that our Government has achieved much in the all-round progress of our nation in the past few years, but it is only fair to say that most of this has been because we have been fortunate to have been bestowed of the oil resources that have added so much to the assets that have caused us this unprecedented speed of development.

I would like to remind those in power that each Guyanese has the right to have an input into what is being effected towards the development of our country, irrespective of how others feel of his/her ability, and this is moreso about those who have been duly elected to serve in any part of our Government by those who believe in their capability to do so.

I hope and pray that we will all be afforded the continued opportunity to have a say in all matters in our future development.   

Yours sincerely,

Roy Paul