Gov’t to respond to IACHR findings on Isseneru – Teixeira

Gail Teixeira

Government is preparing its response to the findings of regional human rights body, the IACHR, which concluded that the administration is responsible for the violations of the rights of the indigenous people of Isseneru and the recommendations, among which is the call for reparations.

“When I have sent off government’s considered opinion on the IACHR recommendations, I shall be prepared to engage the media, etcetera. There are three recommendations,” Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs, Gail Teixeira, told the Sunday Stabroek when asked about a response from government on the issue

There is a likelihood that the administration will not acquiesce to recommendations made by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) as Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday said that Teixeira had explained to him why this country should not abide by and that “the tenor of the response will be that we do not agree with their findings.”